

I'd be lying
Id like to say I'm not a villain
I only ever do good deeds
I'd like to say I'm a proper acting civilian
But we all have our dirty needs
Id like to say Id only save
never ever would I aim to kill
But the deeper part of me knows better
Id be lying through my teeth
I don't have the will

Trying to be gentle
With hands made from rough feats
I fail time and time again
Fine attention to detail is nothing
When you work with trembling hands

I like to say that I'm a lover
But hate over flows from me
I smile through tears
Knowing that everyone can see
I'd like to say that's the smaller side of me

I'd like to say that I'm not messy
But I am a monstrosity
All morphed
in the worse way
I'd like to say
But I'd be lying

© Jada E. Clark