

Perfect Blue
Her words: touch the soul,
Invade the mind,
Penetrate the heart profoundly,
I am in awe of you
Your aura sweetens the air around you
Ever so majestic like Goddess Parvati

Just set aside an hourglass for us
To indulge in fantasies or strife
To turn the pages of this book we call life
No limits to love not fallen
I mean it; my heart is worn-out but not frozen

Pardon me, if I have offended thee
Our love language is not discreet
My heart sings a happier song
Time raptured before I could complete - the rhyme terminus
My eyes were mesmerised like cities flooded by lights and camouflaged by congested traffic

I admire the free-spirited nature
The submissive behaviour
Garish but gathered favour
Lavish in abundance raver
One so distinct but insists she's nothing special

© .🌹.

I exist to please you.