

Have you ever felt as if your heart was drowning inside your stomach?
As if your heart was suffocating to death
Have you ever felt as if the is a bomb in your heart counting down to explode?
As if your heart was torn apart by someone you love
Well i have...
That's how i felt when i lost the love of my life to a nobody
A person who doesn't even know what love is
do you know the pain of being betrayed?
How it feels to love those who doesn't value you
To love and loose a hundred million times
I am not crazy
And i ain't mad
That was love
It took over me
It drove me crazy and made me mad
I became careless
I couldn't care anymore
I became heartless
I couldn't love anymore
doing what i thought was right even though deep down I knew it was wrong
I was craving for revenge & every time i took revenge my hunger was never satisfied
I became dark
I became a monster
Well he made me one
jealousy got the best of me
I was left with nothing
absolutely nothing
Family...friends gone
And do u know why
All because I fell inlove
So much i couldn't control it
Love is dangerous
I knew that if i die i wouldn't feel this pain anymore
They say before you die your life flashes before your eyes
I remembered all the good times we had
But well that didn't last forever
My life came crashing down to the ground
All i regret is falling inlove

follow me on wattpad and instagram @witneypearl3
© witneypearl3