

Ocean of desires
Her eyes manifest an endless Ocean of desire,
which made her soul wear a passionate attire.

She wanted to achieve, dance, fly freely, all at the same time,
Everything would be charmed by the sound of her sonorous chime.

Her desires were the first step towards her success and achievements,
Not only that, but it also made her quite ardent.

The desire might be immature, maddening or irrational, but were countless,
Thinking about the same, sometimes, she used to get anxious.

She forgot every other things which didn't relate to her passion,
Be it, food, travelling, friends or fashion.

All because of her desire,
All because of the achievements she wanted to acquire.

The ocean of desire was everlasting and vast,
It made her live more in the present rather than the past.

Her eyes manifest an endless ocean of desire,
which made her soul wear a passionate attire.