

Refill my Tears
I can't tell you that I can't cry
But I can write about the tears,
The tears I want to fall
Yet I can't make them fall
Can't make myself sad enough to make them want to fall
As much as I want to
I can't
Think I've reached the point of no tears
They may never fall again
I must have just cried them all
So no matter how hard I try
I can't cry empty tears
Tears that aren't there
How do I refill the bucket of tears I once had, to cry
How do I refill it?
Will it fill on its own one day?
Or will I never cry again?

And now I'm slowly wasting away
Until the end
The end of the line

© BrokenStillBreaking

Fri, May 17th 10:10 PM 2024