

Unwind Me in Your Breath
Darling, untangle me with your gentle breath
Let's waltz in the fond embrace of love's allure
I crave to decipher
What truly defines love?
Is it the pulse within each breath?
They say life is interlaced with every inhale
Yet why do they overlook
The love it bears inside?
Your unrestrained love
Forms a maze of memories

The gates of paradise remain shut
For I have not breathed in your essence
It's okay not to exchange words with you
But the gravestones reverberate your enchanting memories
They reverberate your celestial voice
As I conversed more with my ceiling fan than with you
But it never brought me your breath

The stars encircle me, asking "Where is the moon? Why does she conceal herself? What must be paid to reveal her?
And I softly responded "From nights I stole her from the heavens
Like a thief with a missive fashioned from breath turned to Love Poetry,
It only requires your breath to set her free,
What if for a moment, you proclaim yourself as the adorned moon?

Close your eyes, and imagine that lad.
Reveal how he stirs your soul.
Let your thoughts linger on his weary shoulders
Dwell on his captivating smile
Inhale deeply and release the dark thoughts

Each time I exhale a bit too loudly, you smother me with your essence
While others slumber deeply, you deny my weary lids rest

My tresses belong to God, the rest to you
Seize my voice and watch my hands and hips transcend conceit
Struggling to stay afloat, my vessel still sips your fervent waters

So come, grind me once again,
Reducing my sense of self to mere dust
Take me from this journey
Your arms, a captivating rollercoaster


The poem "Unwind Me in Your Breath" delves deep into the complexities of love and longing. The poet uses rich and evocative language to convey the intensity of their yearning for the presence and essence of their beloved.

The poem begins with a plea for the beloved to untangle the poet with their gentle breath, symbolizing a desire for intimacy and connection. The poet muses on the nature of love, questioning its essence and pondering the intertwining of life and love with each breath.

Throughout the poem, there is a sense of yearning and longing for the beloved's presence. The poet expresses a deep longing for the beloved's breath, associating it with paradise and celestial beauty. The imagery of the moon and the stars further emphasizes the theme of longing and the desire for connection with the beloved.

The poet also reflects on missed opportunities for interaction with the beloved, lamenting the lack of their essence in moments of solitude. There is a palpable sense of yearning for closeness and intimacy, as well as a longing for the beloved's comforting presence.

The poem is also infused with sensual imagery, evoking a sense of passion and desire. The poet's longing for the beloved is depicted through vivid descriptions of physical and emotional connection, as well as a desire to be consumed by the intensity of love.

In conclusion, "Unwind Me in Your Breath" is a poignant exploration of love, longing, and intimacy. The poet's evocative language and imagery convey a deep yearning for the presence and essence of the beloved, capturing the complexities and intensity of love's allure.