

Remember that view

Being in prison
is like being at sea
on the unpowered tall ship "Despair"
where the sail on the mizzen
has torn into three
and nowhere on board is a spare.
daily routine
has become much the same
shoveling seaweed against the high tide
an unchanging scene
with no one to blame
walking circles with nowhere to hide.
you are stuck in a vastness
so terribly small
how you wish that ship would just sink
you hope for the fastest
waves thirty feet tall
disappearance would come in a blink
but soon comes release day
and over you'll go
as they cast you back into the sea.
you are now in they bay
with no boat to row
like an old box of wet Boston tea
so, like Paul Revere
and the pilgrims and Quakers
your choice is to swim or to die
with your future severe
as those history makers
you've arrived with no sand in your eye
that tall ship Despair???
she's waiting for you
to screw up and come back on board
but only take care
walking circles you could not afford.

© nomad1c