

Me vs Me & You vs You

Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is to blame
for every time I fall?

Weather to addiction
Or simply life,
It has all caused strife

Guilt constantly churning
deep in my gut
Constantly stuck
in the same rut

Breaking loose of the chains
Then life's pain interrupts
Still I don't give up

Crawling, clawing
pressing forward
Head held down in shame
At times I thought it better
to claim I was insane

Was it the effect
of self-deception
Choosing all the
wrong directions
It all led me into
deep depression

Starving, thirsting
for love and affection

Believing in the fed dreams
Gave me a misconception

Of true reality
Thinking we were meant to be

Still not knowing
true self love for me

Followed by condemnation
I began to use
as supplication

To suppress the
Intense frustration
To the questions why me
and how

Unanswered questions to
unfairness in the world
With no answer
Follows no control
Thinking you can never
Let it go

At the point of acceptance
Giving up or sell your soul

Finally one sunrise
Dusk gone once more

A desire conceived in me
I could no longer ignore

Smoke cleared
Sun rays pierced
I begin to finally see
Out of the fog I walked
Limping aching
With bruised knees

A reminder when shoved down
I always healed, a survivor
Not yet meeting my fatality

I begin accepting
This is a disease

It brought self-seeking
For recovery

No matter age, color or
Individual history
We bleed out the same

Restitched up wounds
Never knowing what to do

Then I realized
Looking into the reflection
Of my teary eyes

It's been me vs me
Now it's time you see
It's you vs you
No human vessel
Can put a limit to what
Your soul is destined to do


© Silhouette Inkk