

#WritcoPoemPrompt61 #paintoflife #everyone

We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
With vibrant colors and a clear, defined framing.
A masterpiece of dreams, where every stroke is bold, A future filled with promise, where every moment's gold.

But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape,
Uncertain and unclear, with no defined escape.
The colors blend and merge, in a haze of grey,
And the beauty we envisioned fades away.

Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining,
Trapped in their misery, with no hope of regaining.
They'll blame the world outside, for the fog that they've made,
And never lift a finger, to change their own shade.

But the keen will stand up, and paint over a prettier shape,
With bold new colors, and a heart that's not afraid to escape.
They'll take the fog and turn it, into a misty dawn,
And find the beauty hidden, in the uncertainty they've born.

They'll learn to adapt, to the twists and turns of life,
And find the strength within, to cut through the strife.
They'll rise above the noise, and shine like a beacon bright,
And turn their foggy landscape, into a work of art in sight.

For life is a canvas, and we are the artists too,
With every moment, a new brushstroke shines through.
We can choose to complain, or take up the brush with might,
And paint a new tomorrow, in the light of day and night.

So let us rise up, and take control of our fate,
And turn the foggy landscape, into a masterpiece create.
Let us be the keen ones, who stand up and make a change,
And paint a life of beauty, where every moment ranges.
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