

The Armour of Private Doss

© Keanu Ellery
Have you heard of Private Doss, so bold?

With no weapon, he stood firm and bold.

While others fought to take life away,

Doss fought to save, come what may.

'Lord, help me get one more,' he'd pray,

Through chaos and fear, he found his way.

A soldier of compassion, he stood tall,

Rescuing lives, answering a higher call.

Doss showed us heroes don't need a sword,

But a heart full of courage, a soul that soared.

In the face of darkness, he brought forth light,

A beacon of hope in the midst of the fight.

So remember the tale of Private Doss,

A testament to humanity's great loss.

He proved that saving lives is the key,

A true hero, forever inspiring you and me.