

CHANGE:-it isn’t funny
Isn’t it funny, how we manage to stay the same finding it clearly, that everything around us is changing like almost every corner is pushing you hard towards something new where you start to stand alone with no one literally no one but only you.
Isn’t in funny to blindly believe that nothing is lost but actually lost its way in a long way run to chase life
Isn’t it funny trying to cover up stories and fake a smile and start conversations just not to realize you have nothing more in their chapter
Isn’t it funny just trying to be your self alone so that you can get used to it and it isn’t the task but to fake an acceptance that you are ok to socialize being alone
isn’t it funny just to act hatred just so you can have a reason called two way equation
isn’t it funny how hard you are trying not to shake your world but it already turns out to be upside down