

Sleepless nights
Can someone come?
can someone help
help me through the cold
don't let me go mold
is this how it goes
is this how it ends
guess I'll never be happy
ever again
no it's not good
no it's not right
in the sleepless nights
I have a lot in my mind
will I be sad
every night
every life
I hope not
I'm trying to show my feelings
but there's no way to describe
the way I feel in these sleepless nights
it's not easy
but it's not hard
I'm getting used to it
but what if I do not
will it make it worse
will it make it better
I better not try
it may ruin all times
all times that have passed
the suffers I passed
the things I saw
that I wish I never did
why would I ruin them
just for a experiment
I need help
I need help to breathe
help me through the night
the cold and the grief
I can not keep them
I cannot hold them
my problems are toxic
that's why I have written
written these words
to ask for help
show me the path to light
get me out of the dark