

Always Loved You
Imagine a world where nobody lied

Where you could trust your beloved until one of you died

Sometimes we can wish but it's far from the truth

Most people's innocence it leaves with our youth

Can somebody love you who lies to your face

Or are you just someone they can easily replace

If it's really true love you'll both fight for each other

But if one gives up easy then there is probably another

When you find out for certain that you have been played

deep down you always knew but loved her and stayed

None of us are perfect not by a long shot

But to justify betrayal, says they love you not

I know how it feels and it hurts deep inside

I wish before I knew that I would simply just died

This marriage is tainted with no sign of repair

It did not even phase her, my seven years of dispair

Spent years in a cage all alone by myself

That's when I needed her most but she was with someone else

I found out the facts and I know with no doubt

I'm not welcome in her life and she wants me out

She has said we can't make it, she has from the start

And I can see she's more happy when we are apart

I guess now I'll give her what she thinks that she needs

I hope she never feels the way I feel because my heart it still bleeds

There still are some things that I don't understand

Why was I played so long, I'd wish that on no man

I must walk away now for she keeps too much truth hid from me

No one could love her like I do and one day she will see

My heart cannot bear it and it knows what I must do

When we split up this time I must really be thru

I know that you'll blame me, though I'm the only one who still crys

And know while writing you these words, a large part of me dies

It doesn't seem like it's real, don't seem it could be true

But make sure you remember, that I have always loved you!

Written By Charles Goode

#love #leftbehind #abandoned #alone #unlovable #breakup #separation #givingup #lifesucks #loveofmylife

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