

New strangers
My eyes are filled with cold tears
I am blinded by the emotions that binds me so
A feeling of loss overwhelms me
I stand in in midst of the billows
Holding on to my staff
Trudging on back to the time we met
A lost hunter who can't find his game

Scattered pieces of me lay before you
But you fling your face to the skies
Crashing hopes into the sea of Nothingness
A forgotten pages of a strangers book
We crash the painted vase that held our faith
Still in the midst of this hurricane
I trudge all alone to the temple that held our destinies

A new verse
Lighted cigar burning to my lips
A new world forgotten in the old
We turn strangers that our eyes are now blinded to our image
Wire- thin visions of laughter
Snapped by a gunshot in the darkness

© arinze