

Lack of crush
Cant feel the rush of a crush horny abstinence much?

No one is attractive to me, going alone to the highschool parties

Arousal is so not me twerk city i avoided thee

I need a book to read alone I found me, under the city of covers, like what is wrong with me?

Felt like an outcast, comcast taught me how to cum blast, like a shotgun gash.

More mature than my hormones, always found myself alone my parents worried so they made sure they got me out of home.

Outside is where i confide, the nature of the earth is where I thrived. The trees, the wind, embracing singleness is where I was baptized in solitary sin.

Got nowhere to be nikola tesla is who I want to be. Bramacharya in the states the only way I can save me.

Lack of crush, its ok to be.....
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