

Long Cry Of My Pillar
My pains will always push me through your smiles
Faking smiles pouring out
Bunch of tears around your edges
All alone in my existence
Before my pains were modelled out
Yours have being in existence

All left with you
With no assistance of the other pillar
In only you,I breathe
In only you,My confidence are made
In only you,I believe there is hope
In only you,I surrender and live
In only you,I know you are my only pillar

Just because of me
You grew so hard in the room of heartbreaking and sorrow
Always on the cry and run to build me up
Together,we shed the heavy tears
And now I am up

Still,you build the Castle of Sadness
Even when I am up
For the flashback of your terrible tales still appears
And this burns me alive in the hot boiling water
And only you,Will I rest upon
For no other pillar or means

Even though your cry are long
In you building the Castle of Sadness
I vow to my existence
Of destroying the Castle
And by you,Will I live
And by all my riches,Will you enjoy
The appearance of your new world.

© tiara21