

A CHRISTMAS GIFT ( an acrostic poem )
A - lone in the dark, working in a faraway land

C - an not finds peace, I'm in doubt and troubled mind
H-appiness is all I want to ask.
R - esponsibility for my family is always popping on my head
I - want to give up, in my thought, to end my life.
S - aying I can't go on, there's no tomorrow, no, none at all.
T - rials and problems, continuously coming, again and again,
M - y God is always there, I forgot he is the king.
A - salvation came, God hoists me up from fallen to hell.
S - urrendering my life, to my God, I now cling.

G - od gives me many talents, to relieve my pain and take away my stress,
I - know I'm not scared anymore and be happy on Christmas day
F - ar from family, But God is good, who walks with me on the right path.
T - here's no trials and problems, he cast away my fear.

© Mari Felices


Merry Christmas to all