

Title:“Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero”
A life's Rejoice"

{Origin: From the Roman poet Horace's Odes (23 BCE)
Full phrase- “Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero” which translates to "pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one"}
Hark, dear friends, and heed this merry call,
To seize the day, and let our spirits enthrall!
This colorful season, of living's vibrant hue,
Is ours to cherish, and make our moments anew.

In the twilight of every year's last breath,
The colorful season of living's death,
These are our four moments to share,
As we ponder what lies beyond compare.

Do we really have time for tomorrow's care,
Or will today's anxiety be
ever there?
If we think about it, we are drunk,
In the beauty of this fleetingunk.

As in this colorful season of living, we find our delight,
In the beautiful time that brings us such joy & light,
We have only four moments to cherish, to hold them tight,
Who knows what lies ahead, but we'll make the most
of the night.

The world is alive with color,& our hearts are full of delight,
As we embrace each moment, & let our worries take flight
This colorful season of living, we find our four moments,
A time of joy, a time of love, a time of dreams and sweet endeavors.

As who knows what lies ahead, in fate's uncertain sway?
But we, who know how to live, shall seize the day!
For in these four...