

1. Can you be the " LIGHT " ?
2. Can you atleast " SAVE ME " ?
3. But, I guess " IM FINE ".
4. But I can " PROMISE " that " YOU NEVER WALK ALONE "
5. This life is " DOPE "
6. You will always be my " IDOL "
7. Let's burn it up like " FIRE "
8. Let's light it up even more brighter like a " DYNAMITE "
9. " NOT TODAY ", we won't give up.
10. Let's go on a stage and do a " MIC DROP "
11. Let's figure our mistakes and " MAKE IT RIGHT "
12. Let the challenges be the " ON "
13. We can be elegant like a " BLACK SWAN "
14. Let's protect ourselves from " FAKE LOVE "
15. Let our memories " STAY GOLD "
16. I will enjoy by having a " CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP" "
17. Let's be nice and be a " WINTER BEAR "
18. Let's stop the haters and see throught the " FILTER "
19. Cuz all I do is " DAY DREAM "
20. Let's song it like my " EUPHORIA "
21. Let's balance that " EPHIPANY "
22. Let's have battle of " WAR OF HARMON "
23. I'll do everything " JUST FOR YOU "
24. You can't hide anything cuz " YOUR EYES TELL "
25. Let's keep the " SPRING DAY "

© BangtanSKZ