

Absconded Love
Thirstful hearts, once entwined in affection's gaze,
Now distant, the dance of love's tender ways.
Alas, within her eyes, a bittersweet shimmer,
A tale of longing forsaken, love's lost glimmer.

Like autumn leaves cast upon the wind's gentle course,
Our vibrant bond faded, quelled by remorse.
In dulcet whispers, we once shared secrets profound,
Yet now, my voice is silenced, without a sound.

Her touch, once like velvet, a solace divine,
Beguiling and tender, before love's steep decline.
Now an elusive dream, fleetingly adrift,
Within a disenchanted realm, love's rift.

Searching for solace, I traverse this distraught land,
Haunted by memories of when love was at hand.
Each step, a reminder of that cherished connection,
lost in the storm as wind changed our direction.

I'm craving her warmth, her love's tender embrace,
Yet she pushes me away, and throws fault in my face.
Like transient dust carried by an ephemeral breeze,
My presence diminished, denied, with unease.

Oh, how I long for the love once so cherished,
Now yearning, turned distant, my spirit diminished.
Yet, with grace, I resign to the fate of our plight,
For love, once vibrant, now fades into the night.

May she find her solace, her own heart's true desire,
Even as I retreat, my love left to expire.
For in life's enigmatic tapestry so keen,
Not all love stories are destined to convene.

Thus, I bid adieu, my dear love, resigned and serene,
To dwell in the cocoon of fond memories unseen.
With dignity intact, I shall embark on anew,
For the absconded love unveiled new paths to pursue.