

Art Of Arts
I'm fairly fond of almost all styles of creating art
I've been an avid fan pretty much since right from my start

When I was one I began to spend my time a scribble
I marred my early masterpieces with all my dribble
I dabbled loosely in graspable communication
I peaked my flat head up and found awe for animation

At two I laid down a beat on a set of pots and pans
I made myself maracas out of tape, rocks and tin cans
Then progressed to fiddling about with the organ at Gran's
For some reason, none of the adults seemed my biggest fans

Three-year-old me was reeled in when read some nursery rhymes
I begged, "Read it again"— then I plead for "Just three more times"
I arranged a bouquet—made bracelet beading a pursuit
I poked my finger into painting— formed sculptures with fruit

When I reached four I developed quite a knack for crafting
It involved a bit of motley macaroni grafting
I sold my first pièce de résistance or in this instance
I should likely say a pasta de starchy resistance
But I peddled that work of art for a shiny quarter
To the head of the home on my mother houses border

At five I formed an affinity for crooning the blues
I could fully relate— I had immense trouble in slews
I unearthed poesy on a faint obituary
I baked a crumb cake and then I placed on top a cherry
Tried my ever-hurriedly maturing hand at miming
I studied my peers to delve into the art of timing

The next year I became scripted— cue my acting career
I took to architecture— used Lego to engineer
I knitted a mitten and a half— I folded a swan
And it was round, the clay ashtray I steadily worked on

We're not even on to seven yet— shall I keep going
Or has my taste for the arts shone through— is my love showing?

#art #music #poetry #create #rhyme #wordplay
© danie_af