

The Long Dream
From womb we are destined
From cradle my fate is in my hands
Cries of fear and wonder for the umptenth time.
There is that dream to speak
While mouth wide open could only babble and spit.

My waddling hands ready to grab and I willed it
I tossed and cried for every failed attempt
After much struggles I turned and placed my hands firmly
On the soft surface that had always carressed my back.

I look down at my four legs
Determination made it two wobbly legs
I dream of also tapping about with pride
And not without history repeating itself
Knocking my head against the bedpole repeatedly

Then I wanna speak and write perfectly
But why don't they seem to understand
Over and over again, they laugh at my tongue
One day my dream and fulfilment of talking fluently
I hope to write on black and white

I stare at the cap of celebration
And imagined it on my head
Then I smiled on the thought of how I would feel
I dreamt so much until I made it a reality
After that, all I wanted was to be a pen parrot with a smile

And at the end of the Long journey of fate
I'd just reminisce the past then smile awith satisfaction
Of how much of my long dream I fulfilled and penned on black and white
And this will be my last dream which I plan to work on till never again.

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