

My Martyr
I sat there waiting...
waiting for him to return
Was his love for her more than mine
have he ever thought of taking u-turn
for I will hug him tight and all be fine

All the sweet time we had
the kisses showered on me
the night we spend together unvarnished;
turns a dream I hold onto like mad

I wish to bloom under your saccharine
A trace of smile form at your thoughts
Can't oh can't
I can't part with you or your memories
please come back as you promised me you would
our life together was still at its birth
be there with me
the world is daunting in your absence

The tears of earlier have paved a dry path.
When they brought you back, they had wetness in them
anew the tears fell
seeing your torso wrapped in tricolour
you gave your life for her
a real martyr of motherland

Never forget me... never ever
We must live our life in the next life.