

Dreams of Macabre
Visions haunting my restless sleep
Specters dancing in the shadows
Whispers of the long-forgotten
Echoing through the corridors of my mind

In this world of sleep and fog
I am but a helpless wanderer
Lost in the labyrinth of my own fears
Trapped within the grasp of the unknowns gears

The darkness surrounds me like a shroud
Cold fingers of dread brush against my skin
As I descend into the depths of my own nightmares
The veil between reality and illusion grows thin

Unseen terrors coil and writhe
Twisting and contorting in the recesses of my mind
A dreamscape of macabre horrors
Where the line between wakefulness and terror blurs

I am adrift in this realm of twisted fantasies
Caught in the web of my own subconscious
Where the boundaries of reason and madness dissolve
And I am left to wander in this dream macabre
© Brian C. Jobe