

To my very much loved little monster ♥️

The undeniable attraction I have towards you is hard to manage. You drive me so wild I can hardly stand it. The way your touch feels on me to the way your voice sings. Your soft beautiful legs, that start from little feet. The curve of leading up to those thighs, already more than enough to have me hypnotized. Those even more curvaceous thighs leading into temptation, amazing as it is, that's our final destination. The best spot to rest up and get a good grip, I love to gently squeeze when grabbing your hips. On the other side this princess is a plump squeezable rump. The soft yet firm cheeks and the tease of it's curves, enough to draw desire from any admirer. Right above your perfect rump the steep curve of your back where I can rest my hand. Your impossibly soft skin as I explore up your back, stopping at your shoulders and I don't know how to react. Your enough already to drive me insane, I always Love to continue my journey as I run fingertips up your soft neck. I have to admit I haven't described your perfection yet.

As i continue my fingertip exploration, I come to a part of your body that is very influential of me. The sweetest sound and melodic voice you have, soothes and calms me, builds me and supports me, inspires me and humbles me. It's your mouth. Your voice that serenades me, your so very kissable lips that can make me melt, with the cute, sexy, evil littles smiles.

The most amazing, breathtaking, perfect, and by far my favorite feature. The part of you that has so much control over me. The part that can heal and break me down I'm a second. Your eyes.
M –