

Drugs and the effects on Individuals

© Dav_Kenzii
Why smoke and do coke?
can't you understand that Drug Abuse isn't a joke?
Why drink and drive?
Do you want to commit suicide?
Is it for pleasure?
One draw or a bottle can surely lead to another.
Doing this pleasure comes at a bigger cost,
your family, friends and dreams can be lost.

The cannabis makes you high,
you love the alcohol but telling lie,
smelling the coke and pass the line.
Now you're drunk and don't care,
people pass you on the road and shame.
What is this!
Aren't you tired of this foolishness?
Now you got caught up in this mess,
plus to hear that smoking damages the lungs, kidneys and heart makes you stress.

Are you one of those persons who believes we must be hurt in order to grow,
fail in order to know,
lose in order to gain,
because lessons in life are best learnt through pain?
What happens to be a warrior?
Aren't you strong to be a solider?
Yes! Go Rehab and do recovery,
you might find out the heal becomes a discovery.
Here's what I've been trying to tell you,
you have your whole life ahead of you,
so don't throw it away because you do Drug Abuse.