

Hallways of Your Mind
Hurdles can always be jumped over, Like a labyrinth guiding us to sweep our troubles away, It may not be neatly organized, straight-forward, or efficient, But there will always be a way to jump over it, be it with one leg, two, or even four.

Each turn of a corner leads to more every hallway has a locked door
painted the same color as the walls ceiling and floor

Blinded by present sight of which way to follow
slowly evolves into frantically insane as the one color begins to swallow
our mind of thought as it slips into the pigment of shadow.

Distraunt and blind we bump the walls of our inner mind
with our arms straight out we aren't even sure what we are supposed to find...
what we are about.

Flailing away we weep and gasp struggling to breathe with the navigation of the depth of our mind leading us to our future or returning us to our past.

For we are here in the unknown
all we need to do is relax to open our hearts quite the mind and the path will be shown.

Shown so bright this beautiful path teaming with vibrant blissful colors of abundant life not the selfsame color of the ungrounded wrath. Yet contained within a golden sphere is truly where is here not the color- washed blinding path.

Nor shall not the labyrinth be the guide Nor shall not you be desperately reaching blinded and fooled. You are the master of your sight therefore you create whats in your pool you are never lost blinded or fooled.
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