

This Emptiness
In the depths of night, I feel the ache,
This emptiness, a void, my heart does quake.
A chasm vast, consuming light and glee,
An endless yearning, haunting, yet so free.

Like whispers lost amid the boundless sky,
This emptiness, it begs the question "why?"
In silent echoes, searching for a start,
In longing's grasp, I feel my soul depart.

Through barren landscapes, wandering alone,
This emptiness, a river turned to stone.
A thirst unquenched, a hunger never filled,
In shadows' dance, my spirit's left distilled.

Yet, in this void, a chance for self-rebirth,
To find the strength within this hallowed dearth.
To seek the stars, to touch the galaxies,
To grasp the truth concealed in mysteries.

This emptiness, a canvas to create,
In solitude, I find my hidden state.
I'll paint with hues of hope and dreams anew,
Embracing flaws, my essence shining through.

And as I journey through this voided space,
I'll find the light, the solace, and the grace.
For in this emptiness, I'll come to see,
The boundless love and strength that dwell in me.
© Christopher Obeng-Manu (Christborn)