

Helplessness feeling
I'm falling down

I can't help but sinking deep

I'm fearful

not only love

not only loving you

not only rejection

but I'm fearful to the way you see me
if I let you get close to me enough to notice that there are the cracks​ in my fragile heart you might soon leave me just like him

You're a whole magnificent ocean
but I'm just a girl who love the ocean
but terrified to drown.....

The nostalgia is such a luring
the day I met you it's like you fallen out from the grace
I thought times​ already did erase the feeling I had for you
but since the day you appeared
my heart has been humming melodies
like the very first day we met.

Love becomes a phobia for me
I'm craving for love but I know love is like an addiction
once I get addicted it's hard to quit so I better not to try it at all...

I may always trapped in this hopelessness love as long as the moon shines
but better hiding my true feeling
than losing you.

© Jasmine