

Echoes of a lost love
I didn't wanted to be left alone
I never wanted to grow old on my own
All I ever asked you was to hold on
When everything seems falling apart
I wanted us to be the one others are jealous of
Whispering to each other saying how can we still be so in love
Even after all those darkest nights, we've gone through
But lil did they knew that we were enjoying the star gazed view
All you made us just a past history
And all I wanted us to be a future mystery
Now, even when I wake up each day
Check my phone, hoping for the text that says
Don't you worry honey, we'll be okay
Every time I say I've moved on, which may not be true
Coz my heart's still left with an unerasable trace of you
If ever you'd have looked into my eyes
It would've shown you the picture of us with an infinite sign
Maybe that's when you'd have realised
The thing we lost happens once in a lifetime
So, now if you try to come around saying I'm sorry
I'd smile and say some relationships are better to leave buried..


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