

Narcissist's Daughter
I am the saddest poem you would ever read
Do you know how it feels when living with narcissists
Like You are deeply wounded ,but the blood is not visible
I am a tiny grass overshadowed by a
giant tree,
Makes me feel I am meaningless,
worthless, without him
My existence depend on him
Without him I am nothing!!
A blank book or a big zero
I am confused...
Every time I am helpless,
He creates me
He ends me
My life start with him
and end with him
He is like a gooseberry
Bitter sweet...
Like truth&Lie
Wherever I go He haunts me
His structure is following me
His voice giving me commands
I am not sure he is there or not!!
I can't escape from him
He is within me
or I am within him!!
I can't do nothing
There is only self doubt,
A humble slave
and Her lord
Their invisible agreement..
Yes ,I am a Narcissist's daughter!!

© Gugu