

simple writer
She is a simple writer,
born on 25th of October,
in a small group of family,
who were all living happily.
always smiling and spreading happiness,
cause with the sweet smile she was blessed,
holding dad's fingure she used to walk,
all the way she used to talk and talk and talk.
Her father loved her so much,
with the soft and tiny hands she used to give a touch,
he used to give everything she wanted,
they used to celebrate her birthday even though it was belated.
but as time grew nothing was same,
for every reason she was blamed,
she was not herself anymore,
her life was not same as before.
there were no more smile,
she was fade up with her lifestyle,
The blame she has to carry for no reason,
the sweet home was now like a prison.
All the bad words from her parents,
like before there was not such attachments,
she started running away from family,
she started thinking abnormally.
She tried writing poems and dairies,
but she wanted her feelings to be heard by families,
She cried, screamed and hurt herself,
but she was just like a useless book in a bookshelf.
As time passes, she became more and more introvert,
for her, family were like new shirt and she was like dirt,
so,she started isolating herself from family,
Cause she wanted them to live happily.
All the thoughts used to torture her,
she was really in need of a good listener and a adviser,
she was in need of a good motivator,
but she only met bad people one after another.....