

Be Simple ,Be Original
Simplicity shines with radiant light,
True beauty beams, pure and bright.
No elaborate show, just heartfelt truth,
Glowing words, from within our youth.

Originality's rare diamond gleam,
Beyond compare, a precious dream.
Sincerity's gentle face aglow,
Reflects beauty in a quiet flow.

Speak from heart, shine with inner light,
Simplicity's beauty, pure delight.
Originality's rare gem shines bright,
In quiet peace, a peaceful night.

In a world of noise, simplicity whispers low,
A gentle breeze that our souls know.
A reflection of the heart's pure core,
Where love and truth forever roar.

Elaborate words may charm and deceive,
But simplicity's honesty we can retrieve.
For in its gentle, shining light,
We find our truest, inner sight.

Originality's spark ignites the way,
Guiding us through life's busy day.
Sincerity's warmth keeps our hearts aglow,
Illuminating all that we know.

So let us cherish simplicity's gentle might,
And hold originality's beacon bright.
For in their peaceful, quiet embrace,
We find the beauty of a gentle, sacred space.