Hated Hero!
Who are you these people
Who seem alien to this part of earth
Forced out from their part and uninvited to our part of earth
Different language, different body odor, different Life
From this part of earth
These different people, build our homes, dress our hair and work in our hotels
All they demand and need is less food to shell out their strength again tomorrow
And shelter size of umbrella
All their happenings and happiness is with their Phone
From their songs to connecting with dear ones in other part of earth
Are they our servants or migrants to create mayhem to this place
Yet without protesting they laid road for our place to develop
Don't they feel forlorn leaving their mom, aunt, sister and lover and living in rags to sending them their savings for food
Their mom cries at night for this unfed fellow at alien place
And these fella too cry missing their tender tiny tot
Sun or storm doesn't stop them laying roads and building homes
These simple people never recess from their work
But everything stopped by this pandemic
These simple people crave for alms, a banana and water to quench their thirst during Pandemic
Universe would not forgive if we have dearth of empathy and love for these people
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