

The Beast

Sparing none,
It spread far and wide,
Embracing its victims
with a death's grip.

It's dagger like claws dug into it's victims necks strangling them
There was no way out
All they could do was scream

But no one heard
No one was around
Darkness was enveloping around them
A thick blanket of fog circled them

The grip was getting tighter and tighter
Soon they were chocking
They could no longer scream
They could only screech as quiet as a mouse

They were getting weaker and weaker
The predatory beast was bigger,tougher,heavier,stronger than them. It was in control.

3 Innocent people clung to eachother hoping and praying to make it out alive.
Streetlights glowed in the distance
Finally, there was a sign of life

They waved and used their final bit of breath. The light was glowing brighter and brighter. They were free, at last.
But, the beast was never found again.