


Poverty mamma - living in this ghetto drama
Two young one's she feeds
As this world revolves in greed's
Her world a wreck -
As she stares on
Lighting a seg
She gotta keep going strong
Ponder does she in hurtful thought
Of loss in life
No hope to strive
As pain her hopes - thus caught
Poverty mamma
Whenever will she find a way of karma
Painful pressure - over taking her life ov pleasure
Scavenging eve's ov garbage cans
Her life - nobody really understands
Rather - judgemental gossip's
Be spread from hypocritical lips
O' poverty mamma
Whenever shall escape she - from this hurtful drama
Poverty mamma -
O' sorrowed silence
Ov clandestine tears
Yet forth she strives
Her strength - two young lives
Forever a smile expressed
O' poverty mamma
Whenever shalt your life be blessed.