

They all eyed me silently considering my worth, they hated and still reached out their hands to claim a piece

Held at the end of a sword I diligently obliged every demand, back straight eyes forward I stood a citadel of decipline dedicated to service.

They held me high over their heads so that I was always within reach.

A gilded scapegoat to bare their hate and resentment when all was in ruins, to think for them so that not one of them had to carry the burden for their lives..

Pulling and pushing me to give them happiness and continuity yet never offering the fidelity they feasted on...

So why was casting aside the mantle so difficult?
Because I knew the eyes that bathed me in malice would then lose focus and would never be satiated

I consumed the bitterness, the poison, and the caustic meals until I was hollow and still they served more on shining trays..

So in my final act gave myself up to the block requesting the only selfish wish..

Surrendering to the sky I slept, dreaming bathed in sunlight.

© CM