

The Ghost of the girl in White
In the twilight's hush, a girl in white,
Stands at the corner, bathed in pale moonlight.
Her face so solemn, drained of all cheer,
Eyes void of emotion, drowning in immense ache and fear.

Her gown, pristine like fresh-fallen snow,
Whispers secrets of sorrow, few may know.
Short, black hair, kissed by wind's swift grace,
Adds a touch of mystery to her delicate face.

I turned, bewildered, gazing all around,
Was she merely a reflection, lost and unfound?
Melancholy lingers, mingling with the air,
A potent reminder of anguish, beyond compare.

Her presence whispers tales of deep despair,
A haunting reminder that life isn't always fair.
And yet in her silence, there's solace to find,
For pain can be transformed, leaving resilience behind.
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