

love story
It was night time and it was very cold. Nikki's sister said, get ready Nikki, your elder brother is asking us both to go somewhere. Nikki asked where are we going today, her sister said we don't know either. After that Nikki and Zakir got ready and left. When the car stopped, Nikki saw that a man wearing a black coat and a muffler on his face came and welcomed us to his house. He hugged my elder brother. When he removed the muffler from his face and extended his hand towards her, Nikki was thinking, hey this is the same person whom I saw in my dream. The eyes of both were looking at each other. Both were not able to take their eyes off each other even if they wanted to. When her elder brother waved his hand, both of them looked away from each other and the brother said to his sister, hey, what are you thinking, he is my new friend, she said what dream did you see, again, they meet each other on picnics, then Nikki said I saw you in my dream that four men dragged you out of the car and beat you badly, she asked Nikki to tell the whole dream, Nikki said not now, I will tell you some other time, not today, she said no, tell me the whole dream now, Nikki said to her, leave my hand, you are in a hurry to get beaten, I will tell you the rest of the dream some other time, she said to Nikki, the dream you saw, I also saw the same 10 years ago. Both of them were unaware of this dream, both of them were unaware of which storm was going to come and destroy their lives.
© Nikita kour