

Persistence !
The story of life,
Is a work in progress,
Success or strife,
You're allowed to digress
but the little baby crab kept it straight no matter a polder or a bolder hindered it's path..... it still choose the path to...... persistence ...... sometimes digressing but in an instant remembering the elders words...... "Be persistent and perseverance is your vehicle, to righteous path..& destinations of life .. "
harder the little baby crab tried to delve along the waves to enjoy the benthic ways of life to see the under water world for the first time, but....
tides no matter what, every time brought the little baby crab back on the shore, it seemed even the oceans and the seas with powers of waves and tides together conspired to make the little baby crab head strong and pragmatic..but later on waves, tides, gyres & drifts gave way to the determined baby crab who made it ...&...blessed the determined baby crab to enjoy the fruits of labour & success in benthic life !

© kalika singh