

Dear soul
In shadows deep, where darkness dwells,
A soul consumed by despair's swells.
'I wish for death,' the whisper cries,
'A respite from this endless guise.'

The world, a burden heavy to bear,
Its weight crushes, leaving naught but care.
Each passing day, a weary trudge,
A relentless march through life's cold smudge.

No solace found in earthly sphere,
No glimmer of hope to banish fear.
The spirit yearns for sweet release,
To find oblivion's gentle peace.

But know, dear soul, that you are not alone,
In this abyss where shadows have grown.
Though darkness lingers, hope still gleams,
A flicker in the midst of life's extremes.

Seek solace in the caring hand,
Of those who love and understand.
Share your burdens, let them ease your plight,
Together, you can weather life's night.

Remember, death is not the answer's key,
It's a door that leads to mystery.
Embrace the beauty that life can bring,
Despite the pain, let your spirit sing.

For in the depths of despair's embrace,
There lies the seed of resilience and grace.
With every tear, a strength is born,
A testament to your spirit's dawn.
© nusrataijazlaway