

When are my musings about you going to come to an end? When will my longing for you be fulfilled? You have no idea how much this bothers me. Share your thoughts by composing a poem about it.

I think about you all the day,
I mention you in whatever I say,
You are my friend nay soulmate,
My dream & destined fate.

The muse in my poetry & prose,
Darling,You are my yellow rose,
Covered in rainbow coloured hues,
You fall on me like winter dews.

I wish you were ever beside me,
In the ebbs and flows of lifetime,
I just wish I could have a stime,
Of your lucious lips frozen in time.

But will these longings be fulfilled,
I am anxious, insecure and terrified,
Because I can't afford to lose you dear,
Even when death bell rings at my ear.

© Swagat Panda