

love's guise
why would you love love?
love is a beautiful impossibility
You think it's real and try to grab on
there's light of a future that seems so near but never to come
I looked through her eyes and saw a glowing light
That shone only when I look
They were calling me
I was drawn to a space between her soul and her silhouette
This is not supposed to be happening
she flicked her hair and a wand seems to have me controlled
You know the darker the sexier, so they say
But it's a lot more tragic, the deeper it got
I was hoping I'll be me after it ended
It couldn't...ditch after ditch I fell
reflections change
let me be, I whisper
You weren't lasting, you weren't staying in love with me
You made me grow fond of a false floor ....born on facades
my rose red heart burnt like ashes
something possible should actually last
No one should love this
Bonds eventually turn shackles
life long depressing relationships
The human race never ceases to amaze me
if this is all we are living for, let it go
Just let it go
strings over strings, serenity....
push the burden down the bridge
And choose to believe it's impossible to remain in love forever
Or at least enjoy the promises that are just words in the moment.
It's false....A facade

© michelle_pen 🍁