

scope and delimitation

"Scope and Delimitation"

I'm experiencing a new infatuation,
Just another delusion born of my own creation.
For when my gaze met yours,
I found myself avoiding other lures.

There's something about you that doesn't feel quite right,
A force that drives me insane every time I see your silhouette in broad daylight.

Curious I was, so I tried to find your fame,
Little did I know, I never even knew your name.
The internet is vast, akin to the sea of stars,
Much like your name, a constellation, a mythical creature, can be found in wars.

There's much to be said, for I know naught,
May our fates cross once again,
Till my knowledge about you evolves into a scholar's den.

I was never fond of astronomy,
But for once, I found myself gazing at a constellation.

For everyone asking about the title here is that thought

"I was thinking
Like, astronomy was not part of the "scope" of what I'm interested in which limits my knowledge about the person in question"