

As A Child
funny how
as a child
I would follow
every step you took
and borrow
each and every book
trying to figure out
what I had to do
to be just like you
for you were my hero
and I was just at zero.
funny how
as a child
I would talk
like you talked
and walk
like you walked
so that way
I would grow up
to be just like you
for you were the best
and I was just a pest.
but now
as I'm older,
I don't follow
every step you take
I don't copy
everything you make
now I'm trying
to figure out
what I have to do
to not be like you
cause everything you say
is just a lie
and for everything I say
you always sigh.
Do you even care
like you did
when I was a child?
Is your love
for me only mild?
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