

Whispers of the Night: A Symphony in Shadows
In shadows deep, where night holds sway,
A realm of mysteries, where dreams may stray.
Darkness whispers, a velvet cloak unfurls,
Embracing secrets, as the moonlight swirls.
Stars above, like diamonds in the ink,
A cosmic dance, where fantasies link.
Silent echoes in the absence of light,
A canvas of shadows, weaving the night.
Yet within the dark, a beauty lies,
A quiet solace that the soul belies.
In the obsidian tapestry, tales untold,
A symphony of shadows, ancient and bold.
Fear not the night, for it bears grace,
A sanctuary where dreams find their space.
In darkness, a serenade of the sublime,
A poetic dance, transcending time.
© nishitgangwar
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