

Best Fake Friend
who am I because of you, what have you done for me?
I can't pick you up if you are pushing me away to do it yourself.
I offer to help and you just go.

You turn around and stab me for not being there.
what is your deal?
I thought we were best friends but I was more your slave waiting for you on every lane.
When I was getting sexually assulted you stood by watching me cry.
Called me weak when now I don't have my virginity that I live by.

You think you are the center of attention needed to be put first. Your hair is a excuse to complain you foul git.
You needed me when I couldn't walk, you brushed off the fact you can't be alone by forcing me to take pictures of you.
Your just my best toxic friend I don't need you.
you kept me for your drama then threw a tiara.
Not being prom queen must suck huh?
Well if you didn't force me to do your assignments and call me the teachers pet I bet you would have had a life of your own.
You asked why I didn't go to the mall when you knew I was doing work for you.
A best toxic friend move but I can't judge, you are the stripper at the club next to my personal business.
Best toxic friend, this is gonna end.
You complaining about not having a boyfriend when I'm worried I will be kicked out for having same sex love interests.
I don't need a toxic best friend.
but yet I have you my best toxic friend.
© Emily Mccollor