

Lend me your attention if you care to listen
A confession of my self created dissention
A welcomed sense of mild depression
To which I have now become accustomed
I was caught in a steel trap, beat and inactive
Embattled in a state of progressive madness, its teethed clasp holds me captive
Despite the fact that the clasp became loose with time
It remains stuck in my mind
I’ve found comfort in the familiar pain
The perpetual procrastinating
I’m the schism in my own reality
I love a girl but I hate that she loves me
Feeling alone in her warm naivety
Driving highway loops and roadways
Hoping for more delays
Lost in a town I grew up in
As without so within
Self medicated escapism
distract from my destructive nihilism.
Pornographic pictures abound
A masturbatory merry go round
Like an unwheeled hamster on strike
Refusing the rat race
The dangled carrot in my face
Choosing to starve while the food is hot
To have you believe I’m something I’m not