

Does pain have a color
Generally when we talk about pain , we use any deffinition to show the real side of it. We say like Dark is the most popular color to define pain.
For her pain doesnt have a color , a flower when she bloom her color will be red or pink or yellow , but the day that she will fade and dry her color will stay the same.
Color red, the color of our heart, he take all the pains from the day that we came to this World to the day we die.The color of our heart will never turn to black even with all the pain a person can relate to, nobody can turn it to this color.
The redness in this Heart will stay until the day he will die...So pain doesnt have a color , if we see around us all the colors that God created to this humanity they are all showing something good in them.
Happiness, the Sky, the birds singing and flying , people laughing, loving each other , being around a lovely family, seeing your mother happy beacause she saw you laghing with your siblings, your dad giving you a full energy to continu laughing , that what i call `Happiness`...
Blue,green,black, red,pink,yellow,white,orange...all these colors were in my House .
Happiness took all the colors from the Universe to prove that pain doesnt have a color...