

Journeys' journals.
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey,
Living in this world, solace to all,
But bred of the might that I write of it all,
The wonders and tears of life,
Let's breed the first.

Throughout this open book,
This journey surpassed the great sea,
Sea, I tell you, a vast sea,
Filled with regret, sorrows, anger, hate, love, peace and joy,
This book is happy, for peace, searched,
For so long but now has been found,
Deep sites of sighs to those who couldn't make it,
Their memories live long in the hearts and minds of the precursors,
And next, our generations shall do the same for us,
Old or young, male or female, brothers or sisters, family or friends, relatives or people,
We are all remembered for the journey in journal,
It's what we pass unto our children, our grandchildren and great grandchildren,
This great memories, positive or negative, good or bad,
It's our starting, it's our ending.

Sing aloud, for the journeys' journals are now filled with our lives.

Live them well.
© Ghost wrighter